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to jump

jump up

Philippe Halsman

         Dali Atomicus, 1947

Brigitte Bardot, 1951

Donald O'Connor, 1952

Audrey Hepburn, 1955

Benny Goodman, 1957    

Denis Darzacq

La Chute # 13, 2005-2006

La Chute # 15, 2005-2006


Note: The photos in Darzacq's sequence La Chute look like snapshots of falling bodies, but in fact they register carefully selected moments in breakdance jumps. We mention them here rather than in the page about falling, because we adopt the perspective of performance art rather than mimesis. (The signifier prevails over the signified. The anonymous dancer prevails over the photographer.)



jump down

Jacques Henri Lartigue


(1904 and later)

Philippe Halsman

Harold Lloyd, 1950

Janet Leigh, 1951


Yves Klein

Le Saut dans le Vide, 1960

Andy Warhol

Suicide, 1964

Suicide (Purple Jumping Man), 1965


jump across

Buster Keaton


The Three Ages, 1923


rs, june 2011 / july 2012