Herbert Brun: "...
to hold discourse --- at least --- with a computer ..."
Cohen against Photoshop.
Harold Cohen: "A
Self-Defining Game for One Player: On the Nature of Creativity
and the Possibility of Creative Computer Programs" LEONARDO,
Vol. 35, No. 1, pp. 59-64 (2002).
Writings about Manfred
Anton Eliëns: "Computational Art."
Leonardo, Electronic Art Supplemental Issue, 1988, pp.
George Legrady: Approximating
Reality with Interactive Algorithmic Art. UCSB, 2001.
Rafael Lozano-Hemmer: "Perverting Technological Correctness". LEONARDO, Vol. 29,
No. 1, pp. 5-15, 1996.
Benoit B. Mandelbrot: "Fractals and an Art for the Sake
of Science." Leonardo, Computer Art in Context Supplemental
Issue (1989). [Reprinted in: Michele Emmer (ed.): The Visual
Mind: Art and Mathematics. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press,
1993, pp. 1114.]
Frieder Nake: "Einmaliges
und Beliebiges." 1995, Freie Universität Berlin.
(Systematic and historical perspective by one of the pioneers.)
Wilson: Artificial Intelligence research as art, 1995.
Richard Wright: "Some Issues in the Development of Computer
Art as a Mathematical Art Form." Leonardo, Electronic
Art Supplemental Issue, 1988, pp. 103-110.